Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sleep Study

Tonight Alyssa goes for a sleep study to find out if she has sleep apnea. They suggested I do this about 6 months ago and I put it on the back burner.
We had a sleep study done for Colin about a month ago and it showed he was having up to 12 apnea issues an hour. At this point I decided it was best to get Alyssa's looked at too.  She already has to have surgery in October to have the tubes in her ears removed, so if we need to do tonsils or adenoids with it we can.

We let her her pick who went with her since Chris had some time off work. She said she wanted Daddy to go with her. I am nervous that I won't be there if she gets scared but I know that Chris is very capable of  taking care of her.

After all we have gone through with Colin in the past week with his tonsils I'm really hoping that hers won't have to be removed, but I have heard that Colin is more on the rare side for that age and that usually they bounce back quicker.

I guess only time will tell, we should have the results in a week.

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