Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom. But my desire to be a mom outweighed being a stay at home mom.
When Alyssa was born I knew I could not stay home. I told everyone with in the next few years I will be able to stay home. After another rough year with students I want to stay home next year. For the last two nights I have spent over an hour staring at our budget. There really isn't much we can cut out. Chris and I have always lived within our means. Last night as I laid in bed crying I asked him "Why couldn't we have lived a really extravagant life style the last few years? It would make it so much easier to cut things out?" Chris laughed and told me next time we will try that.
So until I win the lottery(that I don't play) or some how figure out a way to cut our already small budget in half I guess I will continue to be a working mom.
If only I can figure out how to get a easier class.

1 comment:

  1. Honey, I know how you feel. I always wanted to be home with you kids too but there was no way I could do that and us do the things we wanted to do. The only thing I know to say is: It will be okay. I promise that!! I love you!
