Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sick Again

My poor baby just can't seem to get and stay healthy. She was healthy for 5 days. On the morning of the 6th day she woke up coughing and with a runny nose. By the time I picked her up from daycare at 2 she was grouchy and had only eaten 4 ounces. So off to the doctor we go. She has a double ear infection and another virus. The doctor gave us medicine for the ear infection and told us there was nothing she could do for the virus. I told her I was concerned about the number if times she has been sick. She told me it was part of a baby being in daycare. The other thing that I noticed at the doctor is she is not gaining much weight. At her 6 month check up she was 17 pounds. Friday she was 17 pounds 11 ounces, and she had just drank 8 ounces. I guess she will be wearing 9 month clothes for awhile longer( since they go up to 20 lbs).
Chris and I are very lucky that when she is sick she is still pretty happy. She had a great day yesterday. Her cousins came over and ran around and were loud and were having a blast. She sat and watched them, crawled after them and laughed at them. She had a lot of fun.
Her new thing is to laugh at everything. This morning Chris went to get her up while I was still in bed. I could hear her laughing and laughing at Chris. When I got up I asked what he was doing and he said nothing.
She has also started to cruise the furniture to get to things. She walked with Chris's help today, I think that her walking days are closer than I want them to be.

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