Saturday, February 6, 2010

12 Months

Dear Alyssa,
Today is your first birthday. I cannot believe how fast this first year has flown by. You are such a joy and so full of smiles that everyone around you can't help but smile.
This last month has brought lots of struggles for us. The first of January Daddy had to go work so far away from home that he had to live down there for the week and was only home on weekends. This left mommy in charge of you full time.
This is also the month you have been the sickest. The doctor tells us that it is "normal" but I do not agree. You have had two ear infections(even though you have tubes). You have had two HORRIBLE chest colds. Those colds have been so bad they have had you in the doctor's office multiple times. Mommy has also spent many sleepless nights holding you upright so that you can breathe. You are now on a new medicine through a breathing machine along with an inhaled steroid that seem to be doing the trick. Hopefully these two things will keep you healthy for the month of February.
You have now totally mastered walking and climbing the stairs. You are working on feeding yourself with a fork and spoon. You can do it but it is very messy. You have also started to help put away your toys. Daddy built wonderful shelves with drawers and cabinets in which all your toys stay and you are great at opening and closing those as you need things.
Every time the phone rings you get really excited and start saying "Hi Dadda". You love to play pretend with the phones and will use anything you can as a phone and "talk" into it.
Your vocabulary has expanded, you can now say, momma, dadda, go, bye, hi, and baby. Your favorite to say is baby.
You have also mastered how to throw a fit. When someone tells you "no" you now lay down on the floor and scream, sometimes even kicking your legs. Though as fast as it starts it is over and you are on to the next thing.
At daycare you love to play with the older kids and have had to be put in time out for pulling another girls hair when you got mad. Everyday when I go to pick you up, you come over to me with the biggest smile and lay your head down on my shoulder to give me a hug. I look forward to it everyday.
Alyssa you have become such a big girl and have brought more to mine and your dad's life than we could have ever imagined. We would give you the world if we could.
You also have many amazing people that play a vital role in your life. You have a day care teacher that loves you and worries about you just as we do. You have 3 sets of grandparents that call many times a week to check on you, and in a week you will have over 35 people here to celebrate the first year of your life.
I love you big girl, and I can't wait to see what joys and challenges the next year brings.


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