Monday, October 29, 2012

Adventure Review

Yesterday morning at 9 am Jenni and I headed off on our adventure. It took us almost exactly 3 hours to get to the daycare. We stopped at the local grocery store for lunch. It was actually a super small store so and we went to the deli for a sandwich. The deli was a joke but we were able to get sandwiches and some chips.

We then got to the daycare that was closing. We spent about an hour walking around looking that things and making a list of everything we wanted. We then spent some time talking over the list to make sure no one felt shorted.
We then started loading. That took awhile because there was only 3 women and a 14 year old to load everything and a lot of the stuff was super heavy.

When we went to leave the truck wouldn't start and we had to find someone to jump the truck. Once that happened we were able to hit the road to come home.

We pulled in the driveway at about 7:45 last night. Jenni had called her husband and friend to come help and Chris had called a friend of his to come help so we had many hands to unload and took less than an hour.

So in total we spent $3,075 on stuff, $320 on the truck, and $158 on fuel. Today we did a total if we bought everything brand new and it would have cost us over $10,000.

It was a very successful trip. Now off to meet with the fencing people to find out how much that would cost. 

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