1. I had to cut Alyssa's clothes off of her the other day! She had such a big pooh that it came out the front and back of her diaper and there was no way I was going to get the outfit over her head without getting things EVERYWHERE!
2. She is getting so big, she is sitting up by herself for up to about 15 seconds. I'm so proud but can't believe she is getting so big.
3. We went for family pictures yesterday. We had a few good family pictures but when it came time to take pictures of just her she did not like it and after about 20 minutes of trying everything we had to just give up. I guess we will just stick to taking pictures ourselves.
4. I have to go back to work in 2 weeks. :-( I am so sad. I can not believe how fast summer has gone it feels like each week goes faster and faster. I hope this school year flies by as fast as summer did.
Okay off to fold laundry before she wakes up from her nap.
I hope it was an outfit that you were okay about!! That sounds like it was pretty bad!!