Alyssa is almost 5 months old. I can't believe how fast time goes. This morning we were playing on the floor with her toys. She was sitting in her green bumbo seat. She would put the toys on the floor on the right side of her and one by one pick them up put them in front of her play with it, then put it back down on the floor. She did this for about 5 minutes while I just sat there watching her. I then picked her up and sat with her on the couch were we sang songs. She was all smiles. I then put a spit rag on her face and said "Where's Alyssa?" she pulled the rag off her head and smiled. Before today she would always just turn her head side to side trying to figure out what had happened.
She is now eating cereal, can almost sit up by herself, can roll over and loves to "talk". These were all things that I said I couldn't wait for to happen. Now I'm missing my tiny baby.
Yesterday Chris and I talked about having another one. If the world was perfect we would try again right away. We love Alyssa so much that we can't wait to have another one. However the world isn't perfect and so we will wait. Plus I would like to breastfeed for a year and if I get pregnant again I probably would not be able to breastfeed her.
I am glad you all are waiting. You need to enjoy Alyssa now. She has so much to teach you and you have so much to teach her. Having another baby right now would mean that you wouldn't have as much "time" to learn from each other. Each child is a gift. Enjoy the gift you have before you try to open another present. I love you!