Tuesday, December 29, 2009

6th Hospital Bracelet

Tomorrow morning we are off to the hospital again. It will be Alyssa's 6th hospital bracelet. This wouldn't be a big deal if she was older, but that is a lot for 10 months. To be fair some of them were just for blood draws but still...a 10 month old should not have that many. 1. When she was born (the only one she SHOULD have). 2-4. Blood draws for Jaundice. 5. When she was sick and would not eat in 24 hours. And now the surgery.
Today I got two calls, the first one was a nurse giving me her pre-op instructions and asking the admittance questions. These questions are usually geared towards adults so it was interesting to say the least to answer what her hobbies were ( I said climbing and getting into everything). Then the insurance lady called me. Her words were " This surgery will be covered 100% after your deductible is met". I thought that was great and was thinking with all the doctor visits and her birth that shouldn't be that much. She then tells me it will be over $2,000. I was surprised but I would pay any amount to make her better. So there goes any money we might have been getting anytime soon.
I know deep down that she will be okay, and that this will help make her better, but still makes me nervous. Sometimes being a mom is hard.
I am grateful that today the power went out and I was not able to take Alyssa to daycare. We spent the day together. We had a lot of fun snuggling and playing on the floor. She also had a blast playing in the cabinets, bathrooms, stairs, and anything else she could get into.
Well off to rest before our day tomorrow. If you have time please say a little extra prayer for my baby tomorrow.

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