Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ear Pericing

We took Alyssa to get her ears pierced tonight. She has been asking for it for MONTHS and so we told her when she stayed dry all night we would do it. Well tonight was the night. She was super excited until the lady put the gun to her ear. Then she freaked out.
We couldn't convince her otherwise, so we left with me buying the whole ear piercing package because the ear rings had already been opened. I'm pissed that I didn't just have the lady pierce my ear since I had to buy the stuff anyway, but didn't think about it until half way home.
She threw a fit the whole way home and is still throwing one in her room now because she is mad she didn't get them pierced. 

How long do I make her wait until we try again? My initial response is until she is 10 but another part of me thinks when she asks again. I guess time will tell. I know she still really wants it done so hopefully she will agree to do it again soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Shannon,

    Was searching for my GF's blog and came across yours and started reading. Came to your recent post about your near dd backing out of having her ears pierced at the last second. This reminded me of a recent situation with my niece who had butterflies in her stomach too.

    She will asking to have them done soon and she'll look adorable in her holiday pics with them. Recently, I went with my sister to have our dd's (age 27 and 30 months) ears pierced. My dd did fine, but cried a few tears. OTOH, her cousin like your dd backed out at the last second. My sister was left like you holding the earrings and stuff. Two days later, my niece came over, saw her cousins earrings and desperately wanted earrings like her cousin, i.e., peer pressure. She didn't want to go back to Claire's, but wanted her mommy to pierce them at home.

    A friend told my sister Wal*Mart sold a disposable sterile piercing gun with instructions for $ 5. The scene was set. My niece wanted moral support from her cousin. I went over fully expecting my niece to back out again. However, she was so brave and knew her mommy wouldn't hurt her. Missy, pierced them at home after soaking the opened earring in their cartridge in alcohol and let them dry. Following the easy step by step instructions, much to my surprise, she pierced each of my niece's ears hardly a tear saying only ouch once. She was estatic having matching earrings like her cousin.

    Don't know if you'd considered this alternative given your dd's strong desire for pierced ears, but this might work for you so I thought I'd share our experience with you. Otherwise, I suspect you'll be heading to mall soon after hearing the pleading from your dd wanting her ears pierced :) As you said, "...I know she still really wants it done so hopefully she will agree to do it again soon."


