Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I did not sing up to be a single mother, but that is what I'm turning into.  My husband works an hour and a half from home, so he leaves at 5am.  a half hour before we get up.  Then the project he is working on, he won't say no to his boss and for that reason he is not getting home until after 7:30 at night.  On days like that he doesn't get to see his daughter at all.  That leaves me to get her ready in the morning, take her to daycare, pick her up, do the laundry, wash the bottles, pump enough milk for the next day, get dinner fixed, try to eat dinner while she is screaming because she is tired, give her a bath and put her to bed.  All while trying to stay sane.  
I don't think he understands how hard it is, and how I'm sacrificing my career because I can't stay late or go in early or even work at home when he isn't here.  He suggested I stay late at work.  Well if I stay late she will be at the babysitters over 9 hours a day.  I do not want to be that parent that is the first to drop off and the last to pick up.  The baby and the teachers notice that and I don't want to be "that" mom.
Maybe it was just a bad day at work and I will feel better tomorrow, but he better not come home with an attitude!
And to think 2 hours ago my post was going to be all about school. :-) maybe tomorrow.

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