Monday, July 18, 2011


Colin is so so so close to crawling it isn't even funny. He can go from the sitting position to the laying down position and then get into crawling position. He will rock back and forth, and sometimes hop with his legs but he still isn't sure about his arms. So sometimes when he moves his legs he face plants because his body goes over his arms. He does move himself around the floor by pulling himself on his belly and can go in circles like a pro.

Tonight he was sitting on the floor in his room and I was sitting in the chair. He wanted something that was on the ottoman and pulled himself up!!! I screamed for Chris but before Chris could come up he had fallen and wouldn't do it again.
I'm excited for him to crawl, but I'm not ready for him to be pulling himself up yet.

He also needs to perfect his rolling. He forgets to put his one arm up so he starts to roll and gets stuck on that arm, then gets mad because he can't get over.

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