Monday, August 29, 2011

Alyssa's Sleep

While looking through post I noticed I had a lot of posts talking about Alyssa's sleep or lack there of. After about a year those post stopped. They stopped because I got used to it I think not because she was sleeping better.
   To be fair there were about 6 months that she slept through the night constantly and things were going well. We then had to move her out of her crib because she started climbing out and we were back to bad sleeping habits.
   After re-reading every sleep book out there and whining to many people about how my baby slept better than my two year old I went to the doctor today to ask for advice.
    We are going to try melatonin for two weeks. What we are looking for is that she goes to sleep and stays asleep. Usually the problem is not with her going to sleep (though we do have weeks where that is hard too). but the problem is staying asleep she can get up anywhere from 1-5 times a night. Sometimes it is just for a few minutes other times it is for up to an hour. The melatonin is supposed to help her stay asleep.
    If this does not work then he will refer us to another ENT specialist who will make sure the tonsils and adenoids are not the issue. if those are not the issue then we will be referred on to a sleep center. To make sure that there is not another underlying issue like sleep apena or something else.
   Lets hope for once Alyssa takes the easy road and this melatonin works.

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