It has been a slow process but Alyssa has gone from just being a not so good sleeper to a horrible sleeper. For the last week she has taken at least 40 minutes to put to bed, sometimes an hour and a half. Then she is up 3-5 times a night. Last night she was up only once but that was from 12:40-2:20. That is as bad as 5 times.
I think part of it has to do with her sleeping in a swing at the babysitters. I'm going to talk to the babysitter today.
I worked so hard this summer to get it so we could just lay her down and she would go to sleep. She was doing wonderfully at it. I go back to work and within in less than a month of me being back at work she is back to were she was or not worse than were she was at the beginning of summer.
She is down for a nap right now but I have to wake her up in ten minutes to leave for work. I would love to take a nap because after she finally fell asleep last night all I could do is lay there and think about things. I was awake for another hour after she was.
I have read 5 sleep training books, I have talked to countless moms. Some things work for a few weeks, some things Chris and I aren't comfortable with doing.
I can't wait for Alyssa to sleep through the night! I read that 1 in 6 babies does not sleep through the night until age 1. I think that will be Alyssa.
So for now think good thoughts and hopefully I will make it through the day.
Good luck today honey. I hope that maybe tonight will be the night that Alyssa relaxes and goes to sleep easier.