( The picture is what I want her to do all night, but know she won't)
I'm so glad it is Thursday night! This week has not been as long as last week, but Alyssa has decided that sleep is over rated and woke up every hour last night. That makes for one tired momma in the morning. She would not calm down for Chris no matter what he tired. I think she might be getting teeth, that is the only thing I can figure because she isn't running a fever, her nose isn't stuffy and she doesn't seem sick. But if she is teething it is going to be a LONG week because you can't even feel the teeth in her mouth and her gums aren't swollen.
Tonight she was asleep I put her down, she woke up 5 minutes later and SCREAMED for 40 minutes, nothing worked, not holding her, not leaving her alone, not trying to feed her, not giving her the pacifier, finally I told Chris to get the Tylenol. He put it in her mouth and she was asleep within 2 minutes. I don't believe that Tylenol can work that fast, so what fixed her crying spell? Will she sleep tonight? How can I make her feel better? So many questions and not one answer.
The only good thing is I have an extra half hour of plan time tomorrow and an assembly tomorrow morning. I might be asleep for both! On a side note I am becoming addicted to soda in the morning to get me through the day. Alyssa needs to sleep through the night before I start gaining weight from all the soda I drink to stay awake.
Welcome to the world of babies!! They are mysteries as in they don't and can't tell you what is going on with them. The only thing I wonder is if the soda you are drinking is upsetting her system. The carbonation from soda made you cry and scream when I drank it while nursing you. Its only a guess though. You are due for the teething process and growing up is not always pain free.