Dear Alyssa,
You are now six months old. I can't believe how fast you have grown. Just last night we put you in your bouncy seat and realized that you don't fit, your legs are to long and you can reach and pull off all the toys.
You have found that you don't like hats. At the begining of summer you would wear the hat and be happy. Now as soon as we put the hat on your head you pull it off. You can roll all over the floor and your crib and are up on all fours ready to crawl.
You are enjoying eating solids. You will eat oatmeal for the babysitter but not for me. You like peas, green beans, and squash. You LOVE peaches and pears.
Everyday when I go to pick you up from the babysitters you give me the biggest smile and it makes my heart melt. When I go to put you down you snuggle into my shoulder and make it so I don't want to put you down.
I love you baby girl and can't wait to see how you grow over the next six months.
Mommy that is sweet!!!