Monday, June 27, 2011

A Mother's Work is never Done

A mother's work is never done. It is like laundry or dishes once you put the last piece away something new gets dirty. No matter how many things I cross off my to do list 3 more pop up. What makes my list grow even more is when you add the daycare stuff on top of it.
Before when I worked outside of the home if I didn't feel like vacuuming the floor or putting dishes away I could leave it. It wouldn't be done when I got home from work but it wasn't that big of deal. Now if I don't put the dishes away then we have no place to put all the new dishes we create throughout the day. If I don't do laundry then we don't have bibs for the day.
  I have kids 7:30 am to 8pm. Then I have to make sure everything is done for the day. My down time for myself is from 8:30-9:45 then it is to bed because my kids are up at 6:00-6:15 in the morning.
   I have dreams of checking into a hotel and laying in bed watching TV without worrying about what is going on and taking a nice LONG shower and enjoying the shower instead of hurrying because I'm not sure who is going to wake up while I'm in there.
   I love being a mom and I love running my own business. But I would really really love a nice drink, a place to put my feet up and no to do list for about 12 hours!

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