Saturday, January 1, 2011

23 Months

Dear Alyssa,
I have not written to you in a long time. So Mommy is going to try to catch up. The biggest change you have made since the last time I wrote is that you are finally getting more hair. You have enough for me to put in a pebbles style pony tail on the top of your head.
You are saying so many words and will repeat almost anything we say. You love to talk and will do so any chance you get. You read books to us and enjoy being read to.

The other big change in your life is your baby brother. He was born a month ago. You like to lay on the floor with him and get him toys (though not your toys). You will also read him stories. You are not jealous of him, but you do watch me closely and when you see that my arms are free you take your chance to get some snuggles with mommy.

You really enjoy playing with all the kids of the daycare and look forward to when they show up during the day.

Christmas was a big hit with you. You knew how to open presents and were very excited to see what was inside. You got to open yours, Colin's and all of mine. When you would open a present for Colin you would take it to him and show him what he got before moving on to the next one.

We tried you in a big girl bed for a week and that did not go very well so you are back in a crib for awhile longer.

I can't believe in a month you will be two! You have changed mine and your daddy's life so much and we can't picture our life without you. You are so smart and happy.

You have been sick a few time in the last few months and now have to go have the tubes put back in your ears later this month. Hopefully those will help and you won't have to keep taking yucky medicine.

I love you big girl and once again can't wait to see what the future holds for you.


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