Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nursing Strike/ Potty Training

Colin has gone on a nursing strike. I know this means I should wait for him to get so hungry that he will have no choice but to start nursing again. However my body has a different idea and cannot just sit around and wait for him to get hungry. So I have been pumping bottles and giving those to him if he chooses not to nurse. While I was doing this I thought "Isn't it ironic that now that I am staying home full time I will have a baby that only wants the bottle and when I was working outside the home I had a baby who only wanted to nurse". God sure does have a sense of humor doesn't he.

Today is day 5 in potty training. Alyssa is averaging 1-2 accidents a day and they always happen when she is too busy playing to stop and go to the bathroom. She has been stretching it out though the last two days and is able to go longer between bathroom breaks. Now I'm waiting for her to tell me that she has to go instead of me always asking her or telling her it is time to go. I am so proud of her and it is really nice to know that diapers are a thing of the past for her. Now the only time she is wet is overnight. I have a feeling that this will take a lot longer to prefect as she has a family history of late bed wetters. So if she has to wear a diaper for bed at night for another year I will be fine with it, as long as her days stay dry.

1 comment:

  1. Nice experiences shared by two different mothers.
    Colin, not sure old is she, has become too busy with her life and play that she is not willing to nurse anymore and readily accepts bottle feeds, seems like she is now ready for weaning, as it is much better that stored breast milk.
    Or if she is not yet ready for weaning, try interval feeding than demand feeding.
