Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another Hospital Bracelet..following in her footsteps

Tomorrow Alyssa will go in for her second set of tubes. Her first set fell out very quickly. She lost her right tube within 3 months of it being put in and the left tube about a month ago. Since July she has had 5 ear infections so more tubes is what we have to do.
Last time she bounced back very quickly and by the end of the day you wouldn't of even knew she had surgery. I'm hoping she will do the same this time, however, she is a little older and holds grudges. So I'm worried she is going to come out of surgery and be mad at us. I asked all my daycare parents to find other care for their children for tomorrow with the benefit of an extra vacation day. They were all happy to help, so Alyssa will be able to come home to an empty house. This will help her rest and then she can just lay around and have all of mine and her dads attention for the rest of the day.

On another note Colin seems to be following in his big sisters footsteps. Today I was feeding him when I noticed a lot of green discharge in his ear. I called the doctor who wanted us to come in. He diagnosed Colin with an ear infection. An ear infection in a kid his age (6 weeks) is very very rare and not a good sign of what is to come.
My mother in law and mother both tried to tell me that it might just be a one time thing. If he was 6 months old I could go with maybe, but with him only being 6 weeks, I'm going with no. I have a feeling that before the end of the year we will be at the hospital with Colin getting tubes. Hopefully we can wait until he is over 6 months before he needs them.
Hopefully Colin will only follow with the ear infections and won't have the asthma that his sister has.

Chris and I laughed and said we need to be done having children because we won't be able to afford medical care for a 3rd. These two kids are going to put us in the poor house with all the meds and doctor visits we go through. It was over $100 today just for the doctor visit and the 2 meds Colin needed and Alyssa's breathing meds.

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